When you've been studying hard and and being a good person, you need to pick up your heavy book to read it. You will need to get it up.
Hey class I hope you were all able to get it up last night, we've got a test to take!
by ButterTheMob September 25, 2019
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To be in a bad mood; to be grumpy or unpleasant for no apparent reason.

The phrase refers to someone being in a bad mood from the moment they wake up.
1) Stephan, you sure are irritable today - did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning?

2) I feel awful. I must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. On second thought, maybe it was all that champagne I drank last night!
by VAKI5 May 12, 2005
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Very similar to "Get up off my nuts", but it can be used by persons of both genders.

Rooting from "Cease and decist" it has been urban-ized and turned into a more popular version.

Exacting meaing is not known, but when it is said, it is advised that one moves up out the "grille" or personal space of the one who said it. Not doing so could lead to the "busting of a cap"
Herbert: "Hey Phillip, get up out my grille a afore I bust a cap in yo ass."

Phillip: I shall cease and decist.
by Craig January 17, 2005
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When someone is all up in your shit and askin to many questions, so you tell them to get up off my nuts.
Darrel "man, man, when we gonna hang out, when you gonna pay me money, when you gonne give me my coke???!?!?!"

Juan "Get up off my nuts"
by Cerpin Taxt May 28, 2004
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A girl takes a penis from behind while on the ground while giving hand jobs to men on the left and right, while blowing the man in the middle, thrusting her in a downward motion making her look like she cant get up.
I've fallen and cant get up due to all these penises.
by Diebler84 April 9, 2009
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When a person is so old and so powerfully flatulent that it knocks them on their ass and they can’t get up.
This is a most pathetic scenario, I’ve farted and I can’t get up!
by Dr Bunnygirl May 1, 2020
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A really annoying catchphrase from the late 80's/early 90's that originated from a commercial for a paramedical emergency radio for the elderly. During the commercial, and old lady falls off her walker and in the most pathetic tone of voice possible, utters this phrase into the advertised device.
Before everyone and their mom was screaming "I'm Rick James, bitch" they were screaming "I've fallen and I can't get up" in a sad attempt to be funny and witty.
by Dassh September 8, 2004
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