someone who can't play music for shit.
take the trumpet off your mouth. you're flat.
by bob the unbuilder April 2, 2007
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WHEN fine women,lady,girl, has no big booty just flat like a flatscreen t.v
hey look at that girl with a flat screen booty.
by tyren perry April 12, 2008
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-Without boobies
-Not well endowed
-'A' cup

Chee Wong is flat. I can iron her shirt while it is still on her.
by siDeSwiper66 April 16, 2006
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As Flat as a kippers dick.
That woman has no boobs shes as flat as a kippers dick.
by Steve November 6, 2003
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Flat. short for flatulate, or fart. The passing of gas.
Jimmi cracked a mean flat.
I've been cracking flats all day.
by Brad September 9, 2003
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No, or extremely flat, alm ost non existant boobs.
Dang those cheeleaders obviously completley flat lol
by bobie December 7, 2004
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