28 definitions by bobie

Pretty much a woman's boobs. But it can also just be her chest in general.
"Nice bust!" said the man to the woman, who looked at him scornfully and walked away.
by bobie May 11, 2005
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An ethical or moral code that applies more strictly to one group than to another
If you are overweight, you get made fun of, yet when you are skinny, you are praised.
by bobie April 1, 2005
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Any of several poisonous evergreen trees or shrubs of the genus Taxus, having scarlet cup-shaped arils and flat needles that are dark green above and yellowish below.
Yew tree r cool, dont you agree
by bobie November 14, 2004
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A sexy hot person. NOT someone who nessessarily like sex all the time (although she might) , but one who just is frekin hot
me: dat girl is a sex pot fo sho
brother: dam straight!
by bobie November 20, 2004
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An abnormal climate eventt, an El Nino is a warm watter current that occurs every 2 to 7 years in the Pacific.
El Nino brings unusual and often severe conditions to different areas.
by bobie December 8, 2004
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A christian rapper, moderatley well known, and definitley awesome (IMHO)
Pettidee has a CD out called "Street MUsic". Get it today.
by bobie November 27, 2004
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Anyone in a game who kill the people who kill the innocents.
guy1: i gut busted by an anti-PKer yesterday.
guy2: OMFG! u r an pker!
guy1: STFU!!
by bobie November 26, 2004
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