Natalie only celebrating valentines day for the colors.
Natalie not liking valentines day cuz she’s lame
by Fallstar123 February 7, 2022
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I just flew across the would to meet a guy and wait 2 hours every morning while he injected shit into his veins, all the while smoking cigarettes and watching foreign television I couldn't understand. That guy and that vacation was totally lame.
by jiltedddd January 31, 2010
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Lame(adj)1:An unresponsive body part.
Lame(adj)2:Slang meaning "unlikeable"
Lame(v):The act of being lame
1)The dog had a lame leg
2)That dude is so lame
3)Stupid pk was being lame so I wordpwned/word him
by Midas September 17, 2003
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Word best described as a person who brings nothing to the table and has no reason to be in anyone's conversations.there is really no good quality for this individual. i hate when he comes to our parties.he is such a lame.

or lames for a group of similar defined individuals.
by Shenaniganz1L1C April 2, 2009
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some one who is boring and doesnt do any thing
ex:"hey you wanna go to the club"
"no imma miss my show"
"man you a lame!"

ex:why you always actin like a lame.
by netali April 22, 2007
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Original word means something similar to paralyzed.

Common use is more about being paralyzed from the neck up, stupid, vegetable.
1. I have a lame leg.

2. Man, you are lame.

3. Dude, it's fucking lame using AWP on this map (Counter-Strike) (see AWP)
by FauSt_ January 8, 2003
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Something that is so good that Jessica can't admit how amazing it truly is.
Jessica: "Jeffrey is such a lame friend.."
by Lame<3 September 11, 2011
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