3 definitions by Midas

Mass(adj):Greatly, Completely, Totally
Dude that was mass wordpwnage/word!
by Midas September 17, 2003
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Kattze means fruitcake, with alot of mango.. and coconuts.
Look at those coconuts! Oooh! Juicy mangos!
by Midas July 4, 2003
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Lame(adj)1:An unresponsive body part.
Lame(adj)2:Slang meaning "unlikeable"
Lame(v):The act of being lame
1)The dog had a lame leg
2)That dude is so lame
3)Stupid pk was being lame so I wordpwned/word him
by Midas September 17, 2003
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