bogus knuckers- an extreme form of the slang term bogus. can be used as extremely unfair or when something is very untrue that it infuriates you.
yo, i cant believe i just paid for that disgusting burger. that is mad bogus-knuckers.

are you tellin me you didnt dent my car? im lookin at the dent and what your tellin me is bogus-knuckers.
by davedetroit January 18, 2011
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A cancer made up of four terrible diseases: Hepatitis C, HIV, Spinal Cancer and Cerebral Aneurysm.
Last week, My doctor diagnosed me with Bogus cancer, it was a heartbreaking moment.
by Juan Perez Garcia January 22, 2021
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faking as a matter of course; the modus operandi of posers and liars
"yeah he said he was going to take out the trash, eventually. That's his bogus operandi"
by merv February 14, 2012
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Term describing the post-Conciliar Mass of Pope Paul VI. Used ironically by Bogus Ordo attendees and unironically by trads, the word arouses two basic responses: intense rage or bitter laughter.

Bogus Ordoism is the practice of vehemently defending the Bogus Ordo liturgy, or taking part in the culture surrounding the New Evangelization, specifically trying to make people feel good (unless they have an affinity for Traditional liturgy). Bogus Ordites believe that Abp. Lefebvre was an evil man, and the practice of Bogus Ordoism requires daily rituals including lighting candles at the home altars of Marciel Maciel, John Paul the Great, and Dorothy Day.
1: Bro I love my local Bogus Ordo parish! Haha watch me hold hands with the cohabitating couple during the Our Father to "own" the trads!

2: I would never bring my children to the Bogus Ordo. I only ever want them to attend the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass as the saints did, during the Mass of the Ages. I'm not sure why Bogus Ordites are so afraid of Latin, though!
by Sam Rocha January 13, 2021
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The funniest term ever to describe smoking a cigarette to relive a stress attack. The phrase is also used to look down upon an underage friend because they shouldn't be smoking to begin with.
Scott went to go smoke a bogue because his car just died.

Scott smoked like 3 bogues and looked like he was about to cry because he was freaking out.
by Kyle Siciliano June 30, 2008
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wee fanny that goes round pensioners houses to rob them, theyre usually neds or pedos
guy 1-‘open this door for i am a bogus gasman here to ransack ur hoose
guy 2-‘no for i have this magic peephole
by davidmurphy September 4, 2019
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A set up whereby someone is led to believe that they have in fact won the Lotto.

The person who's name is Leigh records the Lottery Programme, notes the winning numbers and buys a ticket the following week with these numbers on and gives it to his wife. On Saturday they both sit down as the show starts but it's 'run VT' and she doesn't realise but she is now watching last weeks show. He shares in the 'excitement' as all the numbers come up, the bastard has even included the Bonus Ball - AS WELL. He then lets her phone up Lottery HQ to claim her prize....hey why not? It's ONLY a joke... :-0
"OK Mrs X I will need a few examples of unreasonable behaviour to put before the court"

1. Bogus Lotto
2. Donkey Punches
3. He wears stockings and has a vibrator up his ass most times we have sex.
4. Conducts "Builder's Inspections" at customer's houses.
5. Casts lead weights in the shape of gold bars and paints them accordingly, ages coins with bleach and 'lets me find both while scuba diving on shipwrecks with him.

Thank you Mrs X, that should do nicely.'re one in a million but we all love you!
by Brucester September 18, 2006
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