Word used to describe beautiful, but small tits on a woman.
My god, look at the cupcakes on her ! I wouldnt mind parkin my bike in there I can tell ye !!!
by infinity February 25, 2004
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That one couple was hella cupcaking at the movies the other day. ;D
by Baaby December 6, 2007
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A guy who hangs out mainly with a bunch of chicks and not many other guys. This person isn't necessarily gay or effiminate. He just would rather hang out with a bunch of girls.
Dude #1: Brad's always hanging out with Julie and Veronica. He'd rather hang with them than talk to the guys.

Dude #2: Well, do you think he likes one of them or something?

Dude #1: No, he's got a serious girlfriend. He's just a cupcake.
by Jason Kaplan April 1, 2005
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Release 1.5 of Google's Android.

Google didn't really go to market with Cupcake, Donut, release 1.6, was the first widely spread Android release.
A: Are you calling me a cupcake?

B: No man, I'm talking about Android phones, you donut!
by Milanifan October 16, 2010
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Rob grabbed Tori's cupcakes. "Oh, Tori, I love your cupcakes! They're so soft and smooth! They're the biggest cupcakes I've ever seen! I just wanna lick all over them... After taking off any covering, of course. If you want, I can put some icing on them..."
by Haragorn April 6, 2009
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the act of cupping one's hands around the anus sphincter when a fart is released; upon release the person transfers the cupcaked flatulence in his/her hand and puts it in someone's face.
by Paul March 23, 2004
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