A small country 2200km from Australia, it is made up of two relitvaly large islands that are split by a narrow channel. The inhabitants of this island seem to have a deep seated hatred for Australians (C'mon Kiwis, we all ANZAC's here, craka please.), possibly because Australia seems to have claimed Russel crowe as their own.
I don't think all New zealanders shag sheep or say Fush and chups, but watch me quickly pull out these things when we verse em' at footy.
by Aussie April 10, 2005
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A beautiful country in the Pacific Ocean. The air smells so fresh its almost sweet. Everywhere you go people smile at you and greet you, they make you feel welcome. Once you leave New Zealand you crave it and feel a deep urge to go back.
Man I dream about New Zealand every night
by galpalkyl101 December 15, 2015
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New Zealand is a pretty awesome country. Why is Australia being mentioned so much when these definitions are about NZ? *confused*

I guess it's because we're close, yes that's right... we are close enough that we might as well join together to be one country {If it wasn't for you people getting really crazy over what country is better}

Both Australia and New Zealand have their good point and their bad points :)
So chill, people-

PS- Sheep Sex? That's just wrong... beastiality is so wrong...

--New Zealand and Australia would both be stronger if the people of both contries worked together--
by Eden May 26, 2005
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A pretty cool country, I don't see why Australians diss New Zealander and why New Zealanders diss Australians. I'm Australian and our countrys are so close can't we just get along? p.s. New Zealander's don't fuck sheep and Tasmainian's (state in Australia) aren't inbred who ever say this can go fuck themselves.
just like anonymous said before me ANZACs FOR LIFE
by FTSI February 15, 2005
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a pretty cool country or so i hear near my country australia. Why does everyone from nz and usa on this site have 2 be so mean 2 us?! I think the kiwi accent is cool. A lot of people here say that kiwis fuck sheep but we also say that tasmania is the land of the inbreds and thats part of our own country so it's not like we take it that seriously. Whoever was bragging about peter jackson being from nz peter jackson is a bit of a scrubbo but he's a cool one so we'll give u him and russell crowe but russell crowe is just plain weird. I don't have anything against any country i just get angry at all the people who attack everyone elses countries wen they really don't know anything about it. Like america got a raw deal and people aren't too nice to us aussies either we aren't racist!!
by anonymous January 19, 2005
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Dude, you're a nubasaurus from nub zealand.... ya dick.
by g slice December 5, 2007
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A place where many, many people would like to go.... Reason why: It's beautiful, and Lord of the Rings was filmed there.
"Would it not be awesome to go to New Zealand?"
by Heather December 10, 2004
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