173 definitions by Heather
A comedy sketch show made by Nicklodeon. The earlier episodes being better than the newer ones. Popular skits were Repair man, ask ashley, superdude, and vital information for your everyday life.
by Heather September 14, 2003
teenage(or pre-teens) girls who are posers. they like whatevers "cool" at the time. they only like bands for their looks and popularity. they like to sceam things like: "MARRY MEE!!!" to the band members. they don't know how to spell so they type Lyk DiS. they wear way too much makeup. they make comments about how 'hott' the band members are ("Lyk, OMG, thur lyk, sOoOoOo hawt!!"). they never mention the music. on message boards they'll have screen names like: "PxNk rAwK pRiNCeSs"
teeny bopper:"LyK, AvRiL iZ sOoOoOo K3WL!!!!!!!11 I wUnT 2 B jUsT LyK hUr!!!!!11!!!!1111!! AnD BiLlIe JoE fRoM gReEn DaY iZ lYk, s0OoO0ooOo Lyk, HaWttt!!!!1111 OoH Mi GaWdZ, LyK, i Mz GoNnA mArRy hImZ!!!one!!!!1 pXnK rAwK 4 eVaARrRrrR!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111111"
by Heather May 16, 2005
At our school they mean:
green-give head
red-lap dance
grey(silver)-hand job
purple-outdoor sex
clear-whatever breaker wants
glow in the dark-use sex toys
green-give head
red-lap dance
grey(silver)-hand job
purple-outdoor sex
clear-whatever breaker wants
glow in the dark-use sex toys
You all need to shut the HELL up because these braclets really have no meaning its just some perverted meaning that adults thought up and intend to blame us for it, I am just fine wearing my bracelets that fact that it pisses teachers off is just an added bonus!
by Heather March 23, 2004
by Heather June 16, 2004
by Heather September 27, 2003
It actually has a crocodile, not an alligator, as the logo. It's considered "preppy" by most people, and it often times seen with the collar popped. Made of high quality cotton ang go for about $70 in the states.
Guy 1- Hey, did you see that guy with the crocodile on his shirt?
Guy 2- Yeah, I think it was a Lacoste.
Guy 2- Yeah, I think it was a Lacoste.
by Heather February 26, 2005