aka a womans private area, also known as gash...
bro, tell your mum to wear pants in future, goddamit i could see her vertical bacon
by G-Pac June 21, 2005
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A females vagina or vaginal opening.
See cunt,pussy,lady lips and lettuce.

Derived from a mexican taco, which has meat inside it and "hot sauce". Mexicans usually eat tacos...
Man that gal spread her legs and said, "baby, my vertical taco is getting cold, eat it quickly- lick all the sauce and add after that add the mayonnaise!.....uh uh yeah oh damn uh uh huuuhhh hhuuuuuh euhhh", and so on.
by Piraveen June 3, 2004
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1. A word that means the same as pussy, twat, and bearded clam.
2. The nice gash in between yo mammas legs.
"Yo man you see that hookers nasty pair of vertical lips with those warts coming outta them!!??!!"
by Pete March 19, 2004
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Guy: I saw you looking at thoes chicks.
Girl: Uhh no, I don't go that way.
Guy: Give it up, we all know you are down with the vertical frown.
by Marshbag December 20, 2006
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