Theo seems like a regular guy but I’m actually he’s one of those people that think he’s so cool when in reality, he’s not. He will get mad really easily because he’s a hot head, never see fault in what he does and lastly holds grudges because he’s a dick. Theo will pride himself on being a fuckboy even though no girls will ever like him.
Girl: Ew! Theo just texted me
Boy: Honey sounds like you should burn your phone
by Jeremy Lang April 24, 2018
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Theos tend to be anti social, full of themselves and are hard to be around. If you ever find a Theo, steer clear from this abomination to society. On the other hand, he will always forgive you and will present long lasting loyalty.
Theo bragged about friends he doesn't have.
by Lovelifedefinitions8978 August 12, 2017
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One of the coolest people you'll ever meet! He has a big heart, he cares a lot about his friends especially, he'll always be there for you no matter what. You're always able to count on Theo especially when things are difficult he's got your back and he's always there to listen! The guy loves spiderman and sharks. Not to mention he also plays the electric guitar, keep him close you won't ever regret it
Person 1: Is Theo actually spiderman?

Person 2: Yeah... he is. Trust
by znnstar June 14, 2023
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Theo is the best looking on the rugby team but has bad morals apparently because of his friends who peer pressure him. he recently got a very bad haircut which put all the girls off him so now he has no bitches(Except Bella his soon to be gf) he is in a very snazzy band and plays the guitar and piano and his friends highly disapprove and They bully him- peer pressure
Someone: did u see Theo
Bella: yess he’s so leng
His friends: no he’s not he’s a band neek who no one likes
by Anonymousks November 1, 2022
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Theo is a bitch boy who try's so hard to get attention and annoys everybody around him and thinks he's a smart ass by snitching on people and is gay boy who likes to beat autisms/retards/downies and likes to call black people the n word.
Guy 1: you know that gay ass bitch who ratted me today?
Guy 2: yeah thats Theo, he's pretty stupid, atleast he has no friends
by pj SWEATS April 8, 2019
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Theo is the gayest person you know but he is the best friend to have he will always be there when you need him but one day he will turn on you and then the next day he will be back to normal
" he is the Theo of all people "
by Mark44772 November 29, 2019
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Everyone: Dude you're the goat
Theo: I already know
by goatedkid23 February 25, 2021
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