To push someone into a snow bank in a playful manner or to be a douchebag.
Those douchebags just banked me.


Getting banked brings back such great memories.
by roadie28 November 26, 2010
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The act of depositing drugs into your anus to get high quicker.
Last night i was banking xanax and blacked out and stole a cop car. Hold on guys i have to stop and make a deposit at the bank. I'm going for the bank shot.
by MOTEC September 15, 2011
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Meets all the requirements to have sex with, Usually used for females but can use for males.
Originated from: you can bet the bank that I would "do" her.
I'd take her right to the BANK!


(a hot girl walkes by and you nod to your buddy and say; "BANK"
by joe March 24, 2003
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An adjective meaning really cool. Used typically to describe people, places or things rather than actions. It speaks of someone who's awesome for one reason or another.

" Dude vanessa is bank."

"Did you see that bank music video Julian produced for Matt's band? It was unreal."

"Gillian is so bank, I love that girl."

"Oh man I know, Jeremy is pretty bank. he can skate anything."
by J-nella March 9, 2009
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A tradition amongst marijuana smokers in memory of a smoker who was arrested. There was a group of friends who got together and smoked pot. One of the people in the group counted all of the banks we walked past when he walked down the street high. He was caught and arrested for smoking or whatever. In memory of their friend, the friends shout bank when they are high. So, if you smoke with a group of friends or anyone, pass the story along and follow tradition.
Alex(while hitting Bob): Bank!
Austin: Bank!
Angel(while hitting the iron lung): Bank!
Meghan(while coughing from the recent hit from Steve): Bank!
Manda(while hitting Steve): Bank!
Mike: Bank!
Kyle(while hitting Anonymous): Bank!
Jeremy: Bank!
Jordan(while puffin that dutch): Bank!
Snickers(while getting hit by Alex or Kyle): Woof!
by GlazedOnTheHaze September 26, 2006
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fat, heavy-breathing whore who doesnt allow any of the great, gifted children at Wheeler to speak when they enter her office and looks really funny when she gets mad. the only reason to ever see this bitch is to take some candy
Banks is such a bitch, the only reason i ever go to her office is for candy.
by Bill Panfell November 11, 2004
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a person who trys to hard to be cool
a person who has a girlfreind but doesnt sleep with her even though she wants to
a person who makes his freinds late for parties
a person who has 2 beers and pretends to be hammered
a person who only enjoys talking to girls about his feelings and not for the possibility of sex
joe and his freinds are going out to a party but decide to wait for their freind jamie to get off work. they ask jamie to hurry home so they can get to the party. He ends up getting home late and takes fifteen minutes to change his clothes. On his way to the party finally, jamie asks his freinds to pick up his girlfreind who he has yet to sleep with, at the inconvience of his freinds
after the party. "wow jamie was such a banks tonight"
by dfdsfdsfds June 24, 2010
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