1. Like a quickie, but quick-er
by Kyle Campbell21 January 6, 2008
To drop your pants in a park, lie down, put french fries on your balls and let the seagulls eat the fries.
by Tolan April 20, 2006
by FitzgeraldAkbar August 24, 2018
Juan found the ladies much compliant after cocktails; he was called a liquor quicker dicker at the bar.
by I, Wreckerrr October 5, 2016
by Skidmarkcat June 6, 2023
Classy: Prior to self ejaculation one applies a condom to his penis to release his seminal fluid, no clean up required...
Ghetto: Throw a rubber on your shit and beat the meat til you load that shit up and throw that bitch out. I ain't bout that cleaning shit.
Ghetto: Throw a rubber on your shit and beat the meat til you load that shit up and throw that bitch out. I ain't bout that cleaning shit.
Hey man you shouldn't keep that rubber in your wallet, it makes it less effective... No worries dude I'm just using it for a quicker picker upper (qPu)
by Sindora11 February 26, 2015
When thanos has all the stones and bane offers him peanuts. Thanos takes the peanuts and begins absorbing them, staring bain in the eyes and says “you gotta be quicker than that buddy”
by MoldyMolson>FrostyMolson March 5, 2022