brown (sometimes green) digested waste material that squeezes out of your bung hole
always make sure you dont leave any poop on the seat
by dundlegrundelberrycherry February 25, 2003
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Forbidden Play-doh that is produced naturally by your own ass!
Timmy you don’t need play-doh, you have your poop to play with!
by Yoyoyoyoyoyo666 December 21, 2021
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Brown stuff coming from your behind when your stomachs growl
by Long dick so cool to play with January 22, 2021
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Some types of poop include:

The Perf-poop: This is the most enjoyable poop, it escapes quickly.
The Pellet-poop: This is when you feel like you gotta go, so you go, but it comes out in pellets.
The Sneak-attack: This one just doesn't even alert you. It just comes right out.

The log: This one takes a high level of squeezing, but it comes out literally like a branch off a tree.
The JK poop: This one starts to exit, but then crawls back in, causing a huge amount of pain. Definitely the worst poop and is never enjoyable.
The confused: You squeeze so hard, you just keep peeing.
The ghost: No matter how much you squeeze, and you feel it come out, nothing is there.
The barely-made-it: It starts to come out, but hopefully you made it to the toilet.
Man, I just took a massive poop.
by 3245475678878678.. November 26, 2011
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Though it generally means shit or feces, when you poop something it can also mean you launch it or throw it very far.
Example A: Look at those football players, pooping their football around
Example B: The cat was being annoying so I pooped him across the yard
by xXWhiteKnightXx July 19, 2010
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The Original: One that slips out easily, and you wipe only 1 time.
The Infinite: one that takes 100 days to poop out.
The Pooballs: a kind of poop that those not go in the water, it goes on your balls!
The DIFFERENT Pooballs: Poop shaped like balls.
The Corn: Poop with corn in/on it!
The Suprise: You try to fart, but start pooping your pants in public!
The Drink: Pee coming out of your anus.
The DIFFERENT Drink: kind of poop Jim had after a night of drinking.
The I CANT POOP! Poop: The kind of poop that won't come out.
The Fart: You know what The Fart is.
The Anus Steak Burger: Kind of poop after eating a burger.
The Ice Cream Poop: Kind of poop after eating ice cream.
The Shart Poop: Farting, but a little of poop comes out.
Jim: I had a night of drinking now i have to poop!
by u2dvdbono August 10, 2010
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a delicacy enjoyed by every alpha male and all beloved joe (s)
Person 1: joe did you devour some poop today?
Joe: You bet your fukin sweet ass I did
by 3inchorcoochornothinatall October 3, 2019
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