An internal pain of the palm, caused by contact with a mousepad from playing computer games for extended periods of time.
I have gamer palm from playing too much Counter-Strike.
by Trizik September 2, 2005
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1. A term used to describe an intense sexual experience that usually occurs, but isn't limited to prisons and penitentiaries. The act is so rough that the receiver of the act finds themselves pinned palms flat against a wall or floor. This can be common during surprise butt sex or other surprise sex maneuvers.

2. A phrase that describes how hard you got owned or were defeated by another person, group, entity or poltergeist.
"Why you walking like that?"
"Girl, Tevon got me palms flat last night. I won't be walking right for a week."
by Nevan April 26, 2017
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The act of placing your hand on a man’a whiffle as he gags on your flesh dart.
Bruh, I palming whiffle so hard last night I got a hair splinter from Dale’s head!
by Hairy Callahand September 16, 2021
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created in "Mallrats", its when you stick your hand in your sweaty crack and subsequently shake someone's hand without them knowing what you did with your hand. Its supposed to leave a stank on someone's hand for a LONG time.
Dude, that guy just totally stank-palmed the principal!! Awesome!
by rasputinlives June 3, 2004
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"they" used to tell children that masturbating would result in a variety of physical maladies, including hairy palms.
If you masturbate, you'll get hairy palms.
by December 3, 2006
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A name given to someone who masturbates excessively.
Woah, take it easy there, Palm Pilot.
by Solinox May 15, 2004
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