
2 Definitions:

1) A movie directed by Kevin Smith, a comedial genious.

2) A person who spends their time at the mall for no particular reason.
They're not there to shop. They're not there to work. They're just there.
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Kids between the ages of 13 to 17 that hang around canwest mall EVERYDAY, they beg people for smokes and weed all day and eventually go home, not for long tho cause they return back to the mall the next morning.
oh my god look at those fuckin mallrats... i come here to catch my bus and theyre always here.
by nanananna April 21, 2007
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Mallrats is the funniest movie ever made. Kevin Smith and Jason Mewes kick ass. Snooch to tha nooch Bitches.
Guy 1: "Hey man, did you see Mallrats last night?"
Guy 2: "Yeah, It sucked. I fucking hate Kevin Smith and all those gay movies."
Guy 1: (Shoots Guy 2 in the balls).
by Camel toe Joe July 28, 2004
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A hilarious Kevin Smith movie. It is one of the earlier Jay and Silent Bob films. The movie details a day two guys spend hanging out at the mall while trying to figure out a way to win back their girlfriends.
Brodie: Tell me, did you ever fart in front of her?
T.S. Quint: No, why do you ask?
Brodie: I never farted in front of Renee. Last week, I let one slip and today she dumps me.
T.S. Quint: Renee's not the shallow type. You're not insinuating...
Brodie: She was going down on me at the time.
by C the kike October 16, 2006
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One who goes to a mall with no shopping agenda
Mallrats usually know everything that's going around in the mall (I,e: when the Easter bunny stand comes up) and knows about everything about the mall (what stores going where how long a store has been there and what store was there before that store)
also a kick ass movie by Kevin Smith
"You're one of those loser, fucking MALLRAT kids. You don't come here to Work or Shop -- You hang out and act like you fucking live here."
by Hison22 November 7, 2005
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Those for whom the Mall is a place of both recreation and relaxation, a place of worship and of desecration, and a place where one can happily pack a bagged lunch in order to spend all the time neccessary in order to see a stereogram image appear.
by Dead Hero April 2, 2003
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A person who frequently hangs out at shopping malls without actually shopping or working. Usually they are teenagers and sometimes young adults.
Person #1: Hey, those kids sit in the food court all day every Saturday, what's the deal with them?
Person #2: They're just a couple of mallrats, don't pay them any mind.
by Jesse Ramen February 20, 2005
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