by Dasangdfghhai HD swcuudf December 7, 2020
by Vincenta kittydog October 15, 2018
by TruthseeKINGfowl December 6, 2016
A jerk who sits in their office at school and drinks coffee all day. Your teacher sends you there when you're too much for them to handle. you're often sent there for stupid reasons.
Teacher: How many sides are on a triangle?
Me: Three
Teacher: You didn't raise your hand! Go to the principal's office!
Me:Aw crap
Me: Three
Teacher: You didn't raise your hand! Go to the principal's office!
Me:Aw crap
by picklessuck April 11, 2010
principal: "well joe, i will have to call your parents because that is what the board tells me is the correct procedure although you only threw a snowball at a wall. Snowballs are VERY dangerous according to the board.
joe: "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
joe: "nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo"
by SWHSkiDd July 8, 2010
Secretary: "The principal is coming to observe your class tomorrow, Mr. Smith"
Mr. Smith: "Oh, the joys of teaching band. Now I'll get to hear about why it's my fault we're 24th seed this year."
Mr. Smith: "Oh, the joys of teaching band. Now I'll get to hear about why it's my fault we're 24th seed this year."
by saxman76 October 16, 2010
the person your teacher sends you to when they can't handle the stupid shit you do anymore, or they're on their period
a principal will give you a lecture on how to behave and a detention if it was really bad you'll be suspended
a principal will give you a lecture on how to behave and a detention if it was really bad you'll be suspended
Student A: the stupid bitch sent me to the principal
Student B: what happened?
Student A: he got some sand in his vag so he gave me a detention
Student B: what happened?
Student A: he got some sand in his vag so he gave me a detention
by applealex December 1, 2009