21 definitions by Hall Monitor Suze

The living half of the tag team road warriors, his partner, Road Warrior Hawk, died a few years ago.
by Hall Monitor Suze June 2, 2005
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The western portion of New York State, which includes: Buffalo, Niagara Falls, Kenmore, Tonawanda, North Tonawanda, and many others as well, but pretty much the bulk of the community lives in Niagara County and Erie County.
I live in Western New York!
by Hall Monitor Suze June 2, 2005
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Chicken Wings that have a certain zest to them, many people think they originated in Buffalo, NY, but in actuality, they just got popular there.
Mom: Jo-Jo eat your buffalo wings before they get cold!
Jo-Jo: But mo-om...
by Hall Monitor Suze June 2, 2005
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Marc Mandrake Slang Definition: an expression Marc uses right before a ramble.
ok... see... (insert one of Marc's 'me, Sweater Guy, and someone else got really drunk and...' stories)
by Hall Monitor Suze June 2, 2005
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A city in western new york, also known as nt, it is the home of the carousel, with the Carousel Museum. It also has a famous long-lasting high school footbal rivalry with the closest city to it, tonawanda, entitled: TNT (Tonawanda-North Tonawanda).
Oh my god, I live in North Tonawanda!
by Hall Monitor Suze June 2, 2005
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