When working on a google docs documents, your fellow group members change the permissions of the document, thereby forcing you to only view/comment on the document.
Dude, I only checked my facebook for 1 minute when BAM, my group started to doc-block me.
by Edward135234 September 12, 2012
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To obtain and disclose personal information about someone.
I was talking on a conference line, and someone dropped my docs by releasing my home address, phone number, and social security number.
by Squier April 1, 2005
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a physician specializing in erectile dysfunction.
If you need a prescription for Viagra, go see my boner doc Dr. Stayhard.
by ken69 January 27, 2009
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A retard or the deadliest player ever in rainbow six siege depending on skill
That doc main missed all of his stim shots
That doc main is so sweaty
by Iranian hacker April 24, 2019
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United States Navy enlisted Hospital Corpsman, (HM), who has volunteered to serve with the United States Marine Corps. This does not include the BAS Corpsmen or those who staff base clinics or hospitals. This term of endearment is reserved exclusively for corpsmen who actually cammie up and hump a ruck.

"HM3 Chiarini of 1st Battalion 2nd Marines, 2nd Marine Division was awarded the Silver Star after making 4 trips across a hundred meter, bullet swept battlefield to retrieve his wounded Marines. Oorah, devil doc."
by red_sleeves December 30, 2008
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Loopin with The Doc is a very exclusive enterprise reserved only for a select society whose members are chosen solely by the Doc himself. Little is known of the nature, fate, or practice regarding membership recruitment, current members, or the society as a whole other than that it is a very competitive and secretive process commonly compared to the mysterious Skull and Bones Society.

Thus, legend has it that members assemble to Loop with the Doc on a very irregular agenda. Members are summoned on a last minute basis via textual communication by the Doc from an untraceable cell phone, undoubtedly disposed of after each group session.

While little is known of its members (and especially the covert Doc himself), what is known is that while Loop sessions occur, not all members are invited at once (allegedly to ensure member anonymity) and when these once-in-a-blue-moon invitations are sent out, recipients respond by doing whatever it takes to appear to the arranged session, canceling all errands and responsibilities, setting Loopin with the Doc as priority number one.
Unidentified VIP Number 1 = 1
Unidentified VIP Number 2 = 2

1: Whats up man?
2: Not much, I just got my CPR certificate yesterday, and I'm about to take my last final that determines if I'll get my PhD that I've spent the past 8 years of my life working for, no biggie, you?
1: Nice, I've got a date with Megan Fox in couple, no biggie.
(VIP 1 and 2's cell phones vibrate)
1: Uhhh I've gotta go, emergency...so much for Megan.
2: No shit dude I got the text to be Loopin with the Doc too, but I dont have a car and I can't run to Mobil on time, can I get a ride?!
(old woman weakly clutches her chest, collapses, and appears to not be breathing)
1: Yeah but we have to leave. Now.
2: Lead me to your car breh!
by samtheman09 January 30, 2010
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A person who goes out to a club or bar only buys one drink and nurses it the entire evening. origin is from Dr. Emitt Brown of Hill valley 1885. Would buy whiskey and hold it the entire night. Two known occasions of consuming such beverage, the 4th of july and the morning of going back to 1985
Corey: So your gunna drink tonight??
Bruno: na i usually just buy one drink and drink it the whole time.
Corey: like doc did in back to the future???
Bruno: yeah im gunna be Doc Brownin' it
by paciulloperrotta December 17, 2010
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