
Sweaty is also used to describe a person who is way into something with intensity. Whatever the person is doing, if they are balls deep into the game then they are a sweaty fucker.
I just saw a group of 5 sweaty dudes playing guitar hero.

That sweaty fucker has a halo shirt on.

He can grind a 15 foot rail. Hes pretty sweaty.
by myooralist December 5, 2007
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A kid in a game who tries way too hard that later, everyone starts to hate. You never want to become this kid.
Dude, Seth, your so sweaty. Please for the love of god stop it now!
by MaximShrine July 28, 2017
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"Sweaty" is the correct way to spell the word "Sweety" on Tumblr.

Taylor Swift harasses her fans by suing them in court. Prior to the law suits, she DM's them saying, "SEE U IN COURT SWEATY ;) "
When someone's tryna correct u but u know they wrong so you're like "listen sweaty"
or when someone copies you, so you're like "SEE U IN COURT, SWEATY"
by listen sweaty November 14, 2016
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A term to describe something that's not quite on the up and up and hints that the cops could be aware or in some other way involved. Used most commonly by meth users to describe a suspicious person or actions when referencing the use or trafficking of meth.
When I went to go re up with my dealer, there were a bunch of new people hanging around his house.

Wow. That's sweaty!
by Divamatrix May 11, 2010
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"Morning Mish Moneypenny. Looking shuper today," said the Sweaty.

"Feel the shtag."
by The Strut September 30, 2004
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another name for a mosher or skater or some one who listens to different music than chavs, this saying is used alot in my home town Newport south wales and is used against someone who listens to heavy metal, rock, punk or anthing thats not R&B or hiphop. or if they see some one in baggy clothes and black tops, or with bands on e.g. iron maiden etc. you are refured to as a sweaty.
kid walks down the street in skater/baggy clothes

chav: F'in sweaty
skater: says nothing
chav f you e'n

by sweaty king June 5, 2007
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The grammatically incorrect way uneducated jocks refer to somebody (typically their significant other) when they are referring to them as "sweetie".
"Happy two month anniversary, sweaty!"
by jonahraleigh May 1, 2017
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