-Someone that lives their life with no regard to others around them.

-Shows little emotion and seems to go with the flow of life.
-One that doesn't take life as a whole very seriously.
-Often heavy in thought but keep their thoughts to themselves.
-Down to Earth
He's like a Kid Empty, he seems to not be phased by this whole situation, he just doesn't care.
by Erroneus March 25, 2010
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This is the beginning of depression. When you feel like the world is just out to get you.. nothing is going right in your life, and you're on the verge of insanity or killing yourself. Despite all that, you still go through your daily routine, holding into an ounce of hope that things will be better one day...

Then you're running on empty.
I don't know about you, but I'm running on empty.
by Nerissa September 27, 2005
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v. Expression used by rough older British blokes to describe taking a really big piss when they've not been to the bathroom for a while.
"Dave - hold on a second. If I don't Empty a Leg right now I'm gonna piss myself!".
"No worries, mate."
by Satandog March 30, 2006
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No paper left to wipe the shit from your arse. Skilled practitioners can use the empty bogrolls to clean their turd place nevertheless. Also the reason why places like McDonald's and Starbucks hand out napkins to their customers.
Howard was holding the empty bogrolls between his thumbs and index fingers and rubbed them in cyclical motions against his turd place. Since he was using both hands he had to stand and bend forwards. Onwards Howard he shouted.
by Billy Bubba July 12, 2008
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An invite to a place you receive from someone, this invite is given when there's no way of the person to come. This tactic is used by boys and girl usually to show interest in the other and makes them think that you truly invited them but in all seriousness they knew you wouldn't be able to come either way. **THIS IS ALL DONE VIA TEXT OR PHONE**

In the awkward moment the girl or guy can come over... your fucked and gotta pull a pretty good excuse out of your ass.
Sebastian: im watching a movie
Becky: thats fun i like movies
Sebastian: come over and watch it with me
Becky: Its like 3 am and im already in bed can't i wish though
* Empty Invite = Success *
by BIGPolishSausage September 13, 2011
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Foods that only contain calories but no additional nutrients like protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals.
Person 1: Would you like some soda?
Person 2: No, that's just empty calories. I'll have juice instead.

Person 1: Want some candy for dessert?
Person 2: Nah, I'll have a baked sweet potato instead.
by areallnamestaken December 8, 2010
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