3 definitions by Nerissa

This is the beginning of depression. When you feel like the world is just out to get you.. nothing is going right in your life, and you're on the verge of insanity or killing yourself. Despite all that, you still go through your daily routine, holding into an ounce of hope that things will be better one day...

Then you're running on empty.
I don't know about you, but I'm running on empty.
by Nerissa September 27, 2005
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An attractive and well know person with a great sense of humor. Can bring joy to anyones life. If you get yourself a kavir in your life, feel special.
by Nerissa November 23, 2021
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adjective for something pimp or off da chain
Sajel: "I bought a mercedes!"
Nerissa: "That's sultan!"
Swati: "i have a lexus"
Nerissa: "yo dats sultan"
by Nerissa May 30, 2005
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