It's when you stand there, with no pants on, and wiggle back and forth making your dick slap against your legs causing a clapping noise.
Brandy claps to his favorite songs.

Rose gave Becky a round of applause of clapping.
by Em a rear October 10, 2011
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Clapped is a meaning of being high asf
Leo : bestie You is fucking clapped out right now

Chey : I know I am clap dé grandé classè
by Leo0712 February 6, 2019
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To shoot somebody. It does not mean to beat somebody up or stab them or anything, only to "bus' caps" into their "ass."
Ain't nothin' to do with hands when I clap at y'all!
by Zenhachirou May 1, 2003
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A term used for the sexually transmitted disease, gonorrhea. The name “clap” stems from the French word clapoir, which means brothel.
Be careful when associating with loose women, for you may contract the clap.
by Stlcop12 December 15, 2008
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the clappege of thy cheeks or sometimes used for the smackin of thy lips
i'd like to clappppppp thy scrumptious cheekis and lipyis
by jackysmacky4206969 October 22, 2019
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noun- a case of gonorrhea, a sexually transmitted bacterial disease in which males display more symptoms than females, but can lead to sterility or more serious problems in both.
-dude, it burns like hell when i take a piss.
-sounds like the clap to me, man.
by uglychunk July 19, 2005
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The form of meat on meat action Which creates a loud sounds possibly even a Thunder CLAP.
by CLAPography Master April 16, 2018
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