The feeling of doing things not already determined even though you think all things are determined
I felt freedomness when I bought my chips
by Internetdweller November 21, 2020
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Represents fishing, the freedom of the seas, and never taking a step backwards
John had the chance to make a quarter million dollars a year, but instead chose Reel Freedom
by Tiredofstories August 7, 2023
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See, it's not like hedonistic freedom. It's better! Because instead of doing the thing that you want to do... You do the thing that I THINK people (in general) SHOULD do. It's like, instead of using your OWN will... You use MY will instead... Like, if you want to do a thing that I don't want you to do... You should not be able to do it... And I'm not talking about the laws that are negotiated by elected representatives... What I'm talking about is MY will being superordinate to that of the individual in a sort of universalized ethic that is imposed on everyone... For their own good...
Hym "And it seems to be the case that a lot of business owners think like this. 'Yeah, I love people but do you know what would male people even better? They'd be better if they lived in accordance with MY will instead of their own. Like, if I wrote a mission statement and then everyone just does that.... Or they starve.... You know? Doesn't that sound great!?' And it's funny to see Jordan try to make me 'dance for my supper' (Thanks wisecracked) because he thinks he's proving a point by bringing all of these guests on that promulgate propositions that are analogous to the propositions I've made in the past but all he's managed to do is prove MY POINT! Instead of the one he's trying to make about me not being important or necessary. Because, at a certain point, it doesn't matter how hard you work or how good you are... At a certain point an arbitration is made as to who is promoted and who is not. THAT is why he needs the hierarchy of dcaooummtiphneoatrneicntecye! So that HE can remain the decider of who goes up and who stays down. He decides how they are framed to be viewed by his viewers (who can't think and will accept the frame he imposes). That's his "Better" Freedom. It's freedom except what happens to you is what OUGHT to happen to you according to HIM.... And not ME Hym but HIM him."
by Hym Iam February 14, 2023
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The act of rejoicing in seeing freedoms taken away from people who have opposing views.
Classic example of freedom stalking:
Did you see that guy get arrested for accusing that black guy for stealing?
Woah that's messed up bro. Why you gotta say he's black and stealing?
Well he's stealing and he's black, so... why arrest the guy reporting it?
by dEdzilla July 30, 2023
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The people to take back your lives and communities from.
Once they had taken back their lives and communities from the freedom fighters led by the Jim Jones church mouse calling herself Bridget (the New York Irish mouse in American Tales), the people had jobs to go to once again, and their was no longer any new normal or tunnel with light at the end of it, their was only light to see (something besides her to look at).
by The Original Agahnim February 2, 2022
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In the old days, a freedom fighter might ride around on horseback to make himself/herself appear higher than the law so that he/she could trample all over people's rights, but nowadays they just ride around in a Jeep to try and intimidate/instigate people since it's quicker and more convienient.
The freedom fighter wanted everyone arrested (all the boys to the yard) and the town locked down with lies.
by The Original Agahnim February 2, 2022
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Someone that fights freedom, usually on horseback to make himself/herself look higher than the law and thinks of themself as the law. Otherwise known as an instigator, someone that always tries to trap or provoke people much in the way a matador would trap and provoke a bull.
Syd Noreaga thought of herself as a healer even though everyone around her was sick as from a plague of her. Some people had loved and missed the freedom they had back in 2019, before each and every freedom fighter started calling himself/herself the law.
by The Original Agahnim January 23, 2022
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