Organization founded in 2020 by Sir Yew Fart. Many organization meetings include sports activities or study groups, but mostly for talking shit about someone or something.
Who are those sketchy people?

Oh they are from Yew Fart.
by rbkaahlla November 26, 2021
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A fart produced after the consumption of much Guiness that is so foul and lethal to the nose that the drinking of Guiness may be prohibited by friends and loved ones.
"Fucking hell Ant, even you look disgusted by that one, no more Guiness for you. Guiness fart? Did you shit yourself?"
by Ehwhy August 11, 2020
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The time from when you fart till the time you actually smell it. Usually it's instantaneous but could take a couple seconds.

Picture a fart being released and "blooming" upwards like an atom bomb.
Man, that fart had some bloom time. I almost thought it wasn't going to have any smell at all. That was a long fart bloom time.

That fart smelled pretty weak at first but as the bloom time increased it got richer and richer...damn.
by February 19, 2021
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Where you catch your fart in your hands and chuck it at someone.the other person does the same.the first person to hold their nose loses.
hey do you want to have a (farting fight )
ye sure
by glitterfan101 June 24, 2017
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Phalanges filled with hot air smelling of shit used for tapping.
I got a lot of healing from those NFG fart fingers but now I stink to high heaven.
by FFS Hungry Hippo April 17, 2022
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A large fart that is generated on the tip of a turd overnight. Especially nauseous and usually expelled early in the morning when your partner or friends are still sleeping.
I went camping and my friend cut a tip fart in the pup tent to wake me up to go fishing.
by nottme1 November 17, 2020
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Acting on an idea haphazardly and turns out to have awful consequences, to then relegate the idea as a head fart. It is a matter of leadership that head farts are not perused. Acting without care and throwing caution to the wind is "reckless." It describes behavior that is careless or heedless of consequences, often requiring unnecessary risks, disregarding potential dangers and taking on unacceptable losses. When people venture into these bad decisions that they realize afterward they should not have, they label the idea a head fart or brand someone else's idea as a head fart.
They have leadership by the tyrants for the tyrants, while we have leadership by head farts.

The head fart which is invading Ukraine, maybe so-and-so had a head fart.
by WhateverJack March 7, 2023
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