Little yellow shits who are the perfect example of what a person would act like if they snorted a truckload of cocaine.
Guy1: (Licks classmate next to him)
by READIT!!! March 8, 2018
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a small yellow guy from Despicable Me that works for Gru and wears overalls
"Damn son, the Minion in this scene of Despicable Me 2 is sexy as fuck!!!"
by purpleminionssmd September 11, 2020
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A person who will do anything you'd like
(i,e. Make your bed, prepare food, read for you,)

Human: "Minion, make me a sandwich"
Minion: "Ok"
by ChrisMarleau January 16, 2006
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A really amazingly skilled paintball team from Vancouver, B.C.
The Minions totally schooled the Russian Legions!!
by Polina Z. January 8, 2009
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A yellow tic tac that can has only ever been in america but speaks portuguese or some shit
did you know that minions are predators? this is because their eyes are facing forward.
by patricia morarez October 16, 2020
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little yellow shits that go around yelling banana and other shit u cant understand.
John: Hey Mike did u see the minions movie? It was awesome!
Mike: You got five seconds before i pour bleach on your mouth.
by MaliciousFloppy August 27, 2015
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