1. One who is sexy beyond all reason.

2. One who you wish to do right then and there.
Dayum, Ezra is sexy as fuck.
by jfk;ajklawd November 16, 2005
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a term one would use to describe someone who is incredibly sexy
did you see Daniel's girlfriend, Isabel?
yeah, she's sexy as fuck
by dlautd August 13, 2018
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just sexy as can be
luke is sexy as fuck, jack isnt though
by omgtbhftwbrah August 26, 2015
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Daaammmnnn bro u saw ma? I know blood Alana ass sexy as fuck
by Ofb Hothead GBG April 8, 2019
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1. someone who is beyond sexy in every way, and does something extremely sexy at that moment.

2. a person whom while "doing the nasty" manages to stay sexy.

-Marcos drops something and picks it up in a sexy way-
Lauren: way to be a sexy fuck, Marcos!


-while getting it on-
Marcos: damn baby, you're such a sexy fuck.

Ricky: Dude so how was last night?!
Marcos: Amazing bro, her hair was so messed up and she still looked hot!
Ricky: Damn, what a sexy fuck!
by heylaurenee November 4, 2009
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toji fushiguro. point end blank. that’s all. if you disagree, 🔫😕
awooga sexy dilf fuck me

oh are you talking about toji fushiguro, the dilf from jjk??

duh who else 🙄🙄
by tortilla simp June 4, 2021
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