Those dumb villagers got raped by the insurance salesman.
by JD January 24, 2003
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An unforgivable act of violation, unless some sort of sexual act of fantasy. Can happen to both women AND MEN.
Yeah, either he didn’t brush his hair, or he got raped last night.
by pleasedtoplease November 6, 2017
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a person who is going to get tied up in a rape dungeon and be forcefully raped (the worst kind of rape)
also known as a "Jen Martin" or "josef fritzls mate"

Famous Rapee's
During the Edo Period of japan (aboloshied in 1887) famous Dj Tiesto was a Rapee to a oversized bottle of clams.
That bitch is gonna be my jen martin, that right shes ma rapee and she dont even know it yet.
by Suloh April 19, 2011
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When someone forces you to have sex with them, mostly violently.
Bob: Hey you wanna play rape?
Mickey: No!
Bob: That's the spirit!!
by Mary Mary Quite The Contrarian December 28, 2022
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1-(v.)A crime where the victim is forced into sexual activity against his or her will.

2-(adj)A word used to describe how badly one was beaten in a playing event such as video games or any physical sport. A word mostly used by teenagers that enjoy video games.This word is a harsher then "owned" or "pwned."

see. obiterated
1-The kidnapper raped a girl so that why he is being sent to prison.

2-Jeff: How did the Halo 2 match up go?
Chris: Not good I lost.
Jeff: By how much?
chris: 32 to 1
jeff: DUDE! You got raped!
by Corzocl February 20, 2006
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1. To be completely destroyed in a game, never having a chance or an attempt at beating the opponent(s).
RENEGADEJESUS3: awww man, that sucked. ur such a haxzor anti. i got raped up the ass...
by dave April 12, 2005
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1. To force someone to ingage in unwanted sexual activities.
2. To total annihilate in an activity. see own, ownage, and pwn
3. To bother one
1. Kobie raped her!
Men can rape men and women. Same goes with women, ever heard of dildos?

2. I'm going to rape you on SOCOM Seals II tonight.

3. My punk music shall always rape my parents ears.
by Beedub December 28, 2004
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