Character from Animal Crossing.

Tom Nook is a raccoon businessman who owns the main shop in your town and also deals in real estate. He is perhaps the most recognisable character of the series, even making cameos in other games and appearing as a trophy in Super Smash Bros. Melee. In both Animal Crossing games he sells wallpaper, flooring, furniture and tools. Nook also upgrades his shop after the player makes several transactions with him. He hires Timmy and Tommy, two raccoons that are believe to be related but are actually not , to help work at his store when upgraded to its final incarnation; a large department store called Nookington's. In the Japanese version of the games Nook is actually a Tanuki and indeed his name, Tom Nook sounds similar to Tanuki and his store's logo is that of the mythical leaf that Tanuki are said to be able to change objects into. The furniture Tom peddles also transforms into green leaves in a similar fashion for portability. He also will appear in the background of the stage Smashville in Super Smash Bros. Brawl.

In my opinion, Tom Nook is a cheap bastard. When you buy from him at full price, you can only get a 4th of the price when you sell it back to him. Second, he is a monopolizer in every animal crossing town. And lastly, I don't like him following me around the store when he is wearing that purple suit.
Tom Nook just upgraded his store to Nookington's. He must have bought out the competition.
by Fleet Admiral Crunch August 7, 2007
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Tom Nook is a character from animal crossing and to put it lightly, A SLUMLORD.
I have to work off all these bells to pay Tom nook back, he's such a slumlord with all his crappy houses.
by Meepingangel May 29, 2013
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Similar to a Man cave or She shed, but without a specified sex associated to it.
"They really enjoy their Nonbinary Nook. Chillin' and drinking beer while gaming.
by arthoolia April 10, 2020
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Sininym for lynching - word used to describe the torture and hanging of slaves in ancient and even contemporary america.
i just nooked that nigro that stole my shoes while he was shining them. OR - Ladainian was just nooked in the town square!
by ansanje felix February 7, 2005
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1) A racial Slur used for asians, such as laos, viets, etc.
2) A word for Racoons
3) The last name of Tom, from animal crossing
Asian Guy: Dude, let me have those chips (takes away chips)
White Guy: You stupid Nook! Give it back!

Guy: Dude, look at those squirrels
Girl: Yeah, and look at that nook over there by the tree.

Guy: Dude, I sold my apples to Tom Nook today.
Guy: You mean the racoon?
by Sam Iowder February 19, 2008
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One who rests in between the bosoms of another woman.
OMG, Billy Bob is always taking naps on my bosoms! What a nook monkey...
by Suzie Q ohm nom nom November 3, 2010
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When you buy the latest piece of technology right before the next model comes out. Thus stuck with a piece of shit compared to the new model.
Sally: "John look I just bought this cool Nook e-reader!"
John: "Nice"
(2 days later)
John:"Hey Sally the new Nook just came out, didn't you just buy..."
Sally: "Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccckkkkk"
John: "The Nook effect"
by ThatoneRHSkid December 9, 2011
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