A landlord who tries to maximize profits by not maintaining properties until threats of condemnation and charges more than the property's worth.
They usually own a-LOT of properties and those properties usually are in the ghetto while they are living in gated communities and mansions.
They don't care who they rent to or what the condition of the properties are in, just as long as they get rent money.
They will rent to the biggest pieces of shit on earth such as violent sex offenders, crack heads, jailbirds, white trash, alkys, junkies, thieves, gangbangers, or just plain assholes.
Usually only accept rent in cash to avoid taxes, may have a history of tax evasion charges, and serve alot of evictions.
When something goes wrong with the house due to neglect, the slumlord usually blames the tenants and raises the rent because he had to fix it.
Most slumlords do not give background checks or charge security deposits. However, if they do give a background check and you have a criminal history, no problem! They will let you move right in. And if they do charge security deposits, they will keep it and say ("you damaged the property more than the security deposit is worth, but i'm going to be nice not take you to court") just to psyche you out of suing him.
They usually own a-LOT of properties and those properties usually are in the ghetto while they are living in gated communities and mansions.
They don't care who they rent to or what the condition of the properties are in, just as long as they get rent money.
They will rent to the biggest pieces of shit on earth such as violent sex offenders, crack heads, jailbirds, white trash, alkys, junkies, thieves, gangbangers, or just plain assholes.
Usually only accept rent in cash to avoid taxes, may have a history of tax evasion charges, and serve alot of evictions.
When something goes wrong with the house due to neglect, the slumlord usually blames the tenants and raises the rent because he had to fix it.
Most slumlords do not give background checks or charge security deposits. However, if they do give a background check and you have a criminal history, no problem! They will let you move right in. And if they do charge security deposits, they will keep it and say ("you damaged the property more than the security deposit is worth, but i'm going to be nice not take you to court") just to psyche you out of suing him.
My house is falling apart, full of mold, mildew, rats and cockroaches and the roof is leaking. There is exposed wiring, broken windows, gaping holes in walls, lead paint peeling from the woodwork, and crack heads living upstairs. In the basement, there is a sewage leak and missing or broken structural beams AND THE LANDLORD AINT DOING SHIT ABOUT ANY OF THAT!!! He even rented out the downstairs apartment knowingly to a child molester fresh out of prison knowing I have 3 young children living with me. Then after I finally moved out, he had the balls to withhold my security deposit and take me to court saying i destroyed the apartment (eventhough i left it in better condition than when i moved in) and said that I didn't pay rent for 3 months. What a slumlord!
The building is now condemned and boarded up HA HA HA.
The building is now condemned and boarded up HA HA HA.
by A WHITE GUY September 25, 2013
A person who rents out a property that is substandard & refuses to make major repairs unless issued a notice of uninhabitability. Even after receiving the notice they make minimal attempts to make repairs, ex: putting weather stripping on doorway instead of fixing foundation to remedy huge gap in door. Usually he rents out multiple properties for financial gain with at least one of them being an illegal rental. The slumlord often resides in a giant new build down the street.
by Slumlord Fighter June 17, 2016
A person who lords over a slum (crappy apartment builing, townhouse complex, etc). ie a stupid bastard landlord
The slumlord came into my flat and was like "Where's my goddamned rent you nigger infested squirrel?!"
by Cooze #2 August 23, 2004
A minority landlord who rents to other minorities and refuses to take care of the property because the local government won't do anything about it.
A illegal immigrant landlord who rents to to other illegal immigrants and refuses to take care of the property because the local government won't do anything about it.
A illegal immigrant landlord who rents to to other illegal immigrants and refuses to take care of the property because the local government won't do anything about it.
by BigSlimBg February 23, 2018
by Bean in July 1, 2015
Guy: Yo, that guy throws his trash in the basement , now he's infested with roaches.
Guy: That man must be like the (slumlords)
Guy: That man must be like the (slumlords)
by Thy Stronzo April 24, 2016