The sled that dirty gapes 4 stroke turbos and 800 h.os.
Damn, ur mach 1 dirty gapes my crossfire
by peterdyck December 24, 2021
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You feel it building up in your intestines for a day or more. You bend over in pain like you have a kidney stone near the end.
Then you sit on the pot, and BOOOOOMM!

SHIT, AIR, and more SHIT AND AIR exit your hole at extreme velocity.

You get the wind knocked out of you and sometimes take a little "nap."

It's takes you 7-10 minutes to recooperate.

You DO feel wonderful afterwards though.
Sorry I was in the bathroom so long, I Mach 5 'd and blacked out for a while.
by SexualHotsauce November 4, 2019
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To be the victim of a mischief that is provocative yet inspirational.
Example 1:
Person 1: When did you become a feminist?
Person 2: Why?
Person 1: Hum, I don't know, look at your last facebook status.
Person 3: Yeah, that's not him. He's been mach-ed.

Example 2:
Person 1: Our producer suggested that our band should play music out of smoke detectors. And we actually went to the mall, bought a bunch of them and spend the day rehearsing Highway to Hell.
Person 2: And how did that work out?
Person 1: Well, what do you think? We've been so mach-ed.
by sopalain August 14, 2018
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To be the victim of a mischief that is provocative yet inspirational.
Example 1:

Person 1: Did you really write that on your facebook profile?
Person 2: Of course he didn't. He wouldn't have spoken these wise words.
Person 1: Ooh. So he's just been mach-ed.

Example 2:

Person 1: Our producer suggested that our band should play music out of music detectors. And we actually went to the mall, bought a bunch of them and spend the day rehearsing Highway to Hell.
Person 2: And how did that work out?
Person 1: What do you think? We've been so mach-ed.
by sopalain August 14, 2018
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Consuming a large amount of alcohol (6 ounces or more) in one shoot
Bro 1 Mach kiddish

Bro 2 but I'll get shmacked
Bro 1 nuuuu Mach kiddish already
by BigZenergy March 17, 2022
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Mach-Hommy is a somewhat underground rapper who has released many overrated and mid projects that people tend to overrate. His project "The GAT" also known as The Gospel According To..., is overrated as fuck
Max woke up one day and started to overrated Mach-Hommy
by KingAndre3k February 27, 2021
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a speed far too fast to be traveling at when youre completely blazed
dude slow down, cops everywhere here, you're goin mach nigger
by chrissteezy October 11, 2006
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