when a person has to make a decision with two different options and they don't know what to choose
he's caught in a crossfire
by millie bobby brown May 18, 2017
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When two people are peeing and have their trails of urine cross each other.

It is most commonly done with two men, but it can be accomplished with females.
"Hey dude, I'm going to the bathroom, wanna crossfire?"

"Dude, watch your crossfire! You're splashing the ground."
by dude255 May 26, 2007
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someone who pwns noobs in halo pc
crossfire joined the game. everyone run for your life!
by 777diablo March 7, 2007
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u form an X formation and one person lays on top of the other
with the dick and vagina meet and penetrate
on the trampoline accidentlly
daniel and anthony crossfire on the trampoline everyday!

i love it when my bf and i crossfire on the roof. it feels soo good!!!
by sodapopkittycat May 31, 2008
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The painful sensation of puting too much heat gel on your skin
Damn, this crossfire is caning. I think I put way too much heat gel on.
by He's the boxman September 27, 2006
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1.) An amusing game from the early 90’s with an epic commercial. It is widely believed that everyone who has ever played this has lost every metal ball by now.

2.) A hilarious one-word salutation usually made while drunk that requires no explanation; the Rick Roll of phone calls. If you have to explain Crossfire to them the next day, they probably aren’t worth talking to ever again. Can also be used as a verb when you totally own someone who doesn’t see it coming.
“Hey, wanna play Crossfire?”
“No. What are you, twelve?”

Phone Call

"Hey, sup, dude? Is the weather that bad on the road?"



“Damnit, dude. You knew I had that important interview at 8. Why the hell did you Crossfire me at 2 AM on a Wednesday?”
by Thadeus Thunderwinkle March 19, 2010
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A hella fun game that almost a copy of CS counter strike but funner.With there unique Ghost Mode game mode this makes it one of the funniest FREE FPS's out there
Waffle's: dude imma hit up CrossFire get on!

Shamps: Okay
by SteelWaffle August 11, 2009
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