tree loving, flower picking, huggin fool
man he is a hippy, and hippy's suck
by Mutley the dog December 19, 1999
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An excellenrt scapegoat to blame all the troubles of the world and lame touchy feely stuff on.

Also can be used as a great insult.
Fucking hippies, and damn hippy-lame salads. If weren't for them I could park my car where the rain forest used to be.

Your such a fucking hippy.
by sick December 9, 2003
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Someone who rejects war and military actions, simply because the Conservatives who support those actions also try to limit the ways in which the pathetic jerks can alter their consciousness.
Every time a person eats a steak, a Hippy loses his high.
by Johnny Pseudonym January 20, 2005
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someone who believes that freedom is paramount and that war should be abolished and evryone should just share the love man. three things that u must do to be a true hippy:

1) smoke a lot of weed ( sometimes coupled with dangerous amounts of alcohol)
2) listen to good music including techno /reggea and anything other than the usual cock-nonsense of todays society
3) wear bright ( and sometimes unwashed) clothes from local charity shop
random hippy:oh wow thats heavy man

other random hippy: yea totally man. spliff?

random hippy: yea man (and the vicious cyle begins again with another random hippy)
by lucky_lauren July 28, 2005
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Individual who believes that by consuming drugs and listening to music they're somehow changing the world and making a difference. Naive beyond all reason, devoid of logic, exercises echo chamber politics and usually a walking talking billboard of tired clichés. A fad that has been pumped so chalk full of marketing and doe eyed nostalgia it holds little more than a symbolic connection to the convictions the movement started out with. Should be put to rest like 70's disco or the dog your grandma just won't let die.
by Lance Baxter July 19, 2005
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Vermin. Cosseted baby-boomers who expressed their generational feeling of inadequacy by toxic passivity, stale groupthought and, above all, moaning about anything and everything. Most of them have long since sold out, but they are still to be found here and there - many in suspended animation on 'soft' university courses, or in larger groups at tenth-rate music festivals in a state of drug-accelerated senility.
Some fucking hippy asked for directions to the university, so I sent him up Scotswood Road where he got filled in by a large gang of smackrats. Funny as fuck.
by Lord Grimcock January 8, 2008
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a hippy is one that is known to smoke alot of weed in there day. usually they are asociated with the words love and peace. most of the time they belong to anti war groups. they are very pro choice.
that damn hippy always protesting and smoking weed.
by fuckme6789 August 5, 2008
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