10 definitions by Mutley the dog

term used to identify that one is carrying cellular eqiupment, i.e. cell phone / pager
we were all connected
by Mutley the dog December 19, 1999
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code used by law informent to identify (murder death kill)
code used by others on pagers to signify appreciation/concern
beep beep beep 444-3456*187
by Mutley the dog December 19, 1999
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word that is used to descirbe your feelings that someone should be seeking help in the mental sence
by Mutley the dog December 19, 1999
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word used to defie the level of coolness or acceptance
thats tiiiight!
by Mutley the dog December 19, 1999
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tree loving, flower picking, huggin fool
man he is a hippy, and hippy's suck
by Mutley the dog December 19, 1999
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1. form of expsressing joy
2. cool expresion
3. doyou really need to ask?
Yea!!!! you're not on the BOK so yea!!
by Mutley the dog January 2, 2000
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