Super heady toasted garlic and cheese sandwich. Staple in every lot kids diet.
Vendor : Dank garlic grilled cheese, only one dollar! Down for trades!

Raging Head : Gnarley! Good think I spanged this dollar.
by barley January 17, 2008
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Why does it take old women so long to pee?
It's like peeling apart a grilled cheese sandwich
by TheMasterOfBates January 30, 2014
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a very good snack that takes a slice of cheese between two bread slices, then cooked until the cheese is melted.
"I cooked a Grilled Cheese Sandwich yesterday when i was hungary."
by Kevin March 10, 2004
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The act of your balls/ ball sack sticking to the inner part of your thighs or gouche.
Garrett says "Hey logan, today in math i couldnt stop Grilled Cheese/ Cheesing and i felt like shoving my hand down my pants and seperating them my self!"
by Scott "Just Scott" K January 7, 2009
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A grilled cheese made in the toaster, not in an oven or stovetop.
After making a Jamie's grilled cheese, one should be prepared to clean it up.
by Brandon January 23, 2005
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First, a man sprays Cheez Whiz in a woman's vagina. Then, he eats the Cheez Whiz out of her and puts it between two pieces of bread. Then, he makes the woman eat the sandwich.
by annoymous pseudonym September 14, 2011
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