When you check a girls P.H. balance by inserting 2 fingers into her pussy (knuckle deep) and pulling them out to see if there are little pussy boogers or if it is nice, clean, and un-clotted. Ultimately you are checking for signs of other guys cum.
Dude, after performing the dipstick test, I told that bitch to go wash her crusty hole.
by JohnsonSwellz June 18, 2016
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a person that can't follow simple instructions, and constantly aggravates everyone they come in contact with
Dude 1: "bro there was a real dixy dipstick out in the parking lot this morning"
Dude 2: "what he do?"
Dude 1: "this guy took up four parking spaces for his shitty car."
by Zandigas November 19, 2017
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When a girl fingers a guy's asshole while sucking you off.
Man, Kim is a crazy bitch! The other night she was checking the dipstick.
by pooooooooooooopfart October 14, 2017
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one who does oil changes and forgets to put oil back in, causing engine failure. FUCKING AWESOME!
dipstick jim really did a fucking number on that focus didn't he?....lol
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Whence entering a female from the backside doggy-style whilst enjoying a hearty lipper of chaw, the act of pulling out of the vay-jay, hawking a copious amount of dip spit on to your peenie and then plunging into the poor girl's poopshoot. Kentucky dipstick.
I decided to check my girl's oil, and surprise her with a righteous ol' Kentucky dipstick.
by CreepyStevie August 31, 2009
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