a penis whose diameter is greater that the leangth as measured from the top.
A very short fat penis may be a choad, if indeed it is fat or short enough.
by char July 31, 2003
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Basically, any excess skin on the head of a penis or in the scrotum to anus area. On the female, her vuluptous vulva and her taint region
jesse pulled back his choad to remove the lint from the head of his penis or his scrotum to anus region.
by jgiddy99 December 19, 2006
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A large, well defined turd with intestine lines and pieces of undigested peanuts.
Tyrone and Takeshia got out of the swimming pool fast when a large choad floated by.
by Richard Black March 11, 2005
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a word used on an internet message board to slander it's creators. The word however is used to describe the overall douchebaggedness of the individual who called them that in the first place. Thus making the definition of choad, actually kyle. So a kyle is a choad, and a choad is a kyle.
The Jakes are choads, for not putting up my threadless submission. I sent them an e-mail, but the choads never replied. Because they are after all, a bunch of non-replying choads.
by tacosaurus July 19, 2004
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A thing or person that is wider than it is longer. It doesnt only apply to cocks you dumb fucks!
Mr. Flood is a choad
by Urban Dictionary June 4, 2004
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1. It is a slang for a penis that is usually thick in appearance and short in length.
2. IT does not mean that one's penis width is larger than it's length. BECAUSE ITS IMPOSSIBLE! YOU ILLITERATE IMBECILS.
Damn, my long foreskin and my afro pubic hair makes me look like I have a choad.
by Young Stash September 25, 2006
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1) A choad is when your ball sack hangs lower than your penis
2) A choad can also be a disliked person
1) I can't help it that i have a choad.... My balls are too big.
2) Man that guy's such a choad
by Kyle Luecke February 8, 2008
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