Plural for carrot.

Carrots are the roots of a dill-like plant which originated from what is now known as Afghanistan. The natural pigment of carrots are red, black, purple, white, and yellow. The familiar orange pigment is actually a Dutch hybrid of the red and yellow carrots.
The carrot cake my mom baked was absolutely delicious.
by AYB February 24, 2003
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An Oompa Loompa wanted to look cool for Willy Wonka so he dyed his hair green but decided OOH I WANNA BE VEGAN so he ate too many potatoes and became a carrot. The end
Oh, their goes Willy Wonkas carrot, eww he tastes too salty for my liking.
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Some vegetable from Afghanistan. Could be Bin Ladin's secret plan to kill us all.
Don't eat your carrots. They may be WMDs.
by George W. Bush June 23, 2003
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An orange vegetable commonly used to stick up someone's asshole.
On prom night, after Bailey fell asleep, we stuck 7 carrots up her asshole, 1 away from the record thomas set last year.
by paulk6532 May 6, 2006
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A red headed woman with a stylish bush.
Listen Frank, that Carrot was too tight to pass up.
by Moses October 13, 2003
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A long lost race of cavemen who had orange hair and were named Eric. These cavemen were extincy because people beleived they looked like domesticated plants so they sprayed fertilizer all over them and ate them delightfully with no disregard of erics feelings sorry fuckface!
This is madness....NO!!! THIS IS "CARROT"
by blehblehh January 23, 2009
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