An excuse guys use when they are in the shower for a long time because they are jerking off.
Wife: You took a long time in the bathroom to get ready this morning.
Husband: I was real tired and had trouble waking up. I fell asleep in the shower.
by barcelonaIV April 13, 2015
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I fell asleep

Softer way of saying I had something (or someone) else to do that took precedent to what our plans were.
I'll hit you up later and we'll do that...
Later: *nothing

The next day: "I fell asleep"
by P.Shiesty November 16, 2021
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fell asleep early

what your girl tells you she did while she was getting dicked down
me:my girl said she fell asleep early last night
friend:you know that means she got fucked right?
by mr.kendricklamar July 18, 2022
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fell asleep

1. Sleeping, usually while on a transportation ride.

2. Past tense of fall asleep.
They fell asleep part of the way.
by srisuci.unsur February 16, 2017
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my foot fell asleep

It’s when your foot gets pins and needles, or any part of your body! But when it gets pins and needles, you are just rephrasing “pins and needles”
*martha has had her foot under her thigh folded for a while*
Martha: that was a good movie!

*marthat stands up*
Martha: ow my foot fell asleep!
by Jdhdjsjbdhejrbrhjebev November 19, 2020
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