Someone that is Australian 🇦🇺🦘. That lives in Australia. They tend to use Aussie slang for example G’day mate is Australian slang.
Person 1: we went to Australia for the Christmas holidays
Person 2: cool I heard Aussies are really nice
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An Aussie is a bloody true blue Australian and can drink forever. Aussie's excelle in all sports, they can wear anything up to singlets flipflops and footy shorts we love pies and our sheala's. They hate Yanks!,Pomies,Sheep Shaggers{NZ}, Wogs,Lebos,Bogens and anyone else who thinks they have bigger dicks.Were good at war saveing asses and will fight till the death to protect the commonwealth. Also have mates named Sammo,Davo,Beno,Zazza and varies others.
Kato: That Beno the Aussie has a huge wanga he must have the Australian factor.
Shazza: Yeah those Australians do have big wangas.

Sammo: Oi pull up a chair and have a stubbie with me and watch the pomies get there balls handed to them.
Robbo:Fuck yeah mate pass the pies
by Aussie69 January 28, 2008
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Boy 1: Hey you see that girl right there she's an aussie.

Boy 2: Ikr everybody's talking about her.
by _Mari_ April 23, 2020
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A person from Australia. We kick ass.
And the funny thing is, even though you think you're offending us by calling us cock smokers and convicts, we actually don't give a shit. So call us what you like. Waste time 'insulting' us.
We're the best fucking people on Earth.

Living in the best fucking country on Earth.
Deal with it. Mate.
POM: You Aussies are fucking criminals who kicked out the Aboriginals and spend your days drinking and swearing!

Us: Meh. *goes and lives a good life while you fucking poms keep trying to insult us*
by Proud_Aussie December 6, 2012
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1. They most retarded race of people on the plant.
2. Baddie
3. Anyone with an IQ of 60 or lower.
4. Dislike
God, you couldn't kill a level 1. You must be an Aussie.
by Kinkersdagreat April 17, 2010
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A derogatory term for the peoples of Australia, otherwise known as porcine dross.

Australians are flatulent, ugly, boorish and generally have the intellectual capacity of a slug. Universally loathed the world over, Aussies often delude themselves into believing they are a superior to other nations because they are world champions in minority sports such as women’s netball and toad racing

Widely ridiculed as utterly useless Aussies are in fact quite well suited to menial work such as pulling pints for Englishmen in London where they provide a valuable source of cheap labour.
The Aussies whineged incessantly as the Kiwis and Poms beat them again.
by Kiwi Bob August 15, 2006
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An aussie is a person belonging to an unhealthy, unhygenic, arrogant, overweight, drunk, ugly and rodent like species. Aussie's tend to have sexual intercoarse with their siblings and this is a normal practice in their households. An overwhelming majority of the species are racist and unemployed. In turn they live off hard working persons tax payments. The majority of these hard workers are in fact lebonese. Back to the filthy creatures, Aussie. Overall, they are blatantly, socially delayed, unethical, inbred, morbid and tend to abuse illicit drugs like marijuana. They are also under the influence of alchaholic beverages the majority of the time and start drinking at 10am. The also walk around barefoot and need to invest in shoes.
Anyone who calls themself Australian is an Aussie and they usually have red knecks.
by 123#321 July 8, 2011
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