
A condition no one actually understands.
People treat people with autism like shit and get away with it.
by PrincessCandle May 21, 2016
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Autism is a disorder which is when one's brain is formed differently, making it difficult to understand social cues. People with Autism usually are born with weak fine motor skills and bad social skills, making it hard for them to socialize with others.

It is NOT an insult used to call people idiots.
The person writing this has Autism. I hope that people do research before using Autism as an insult, as it should not be used that way and can be quite offensive to those with Autism!
by NEOn Starz February 16, 2017
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A nurological disorder where people develop social skills at a unusually slow pace. Autism is not a disease, and it has a extreamly large range of symptoms and severity. Every case is different. Do not criticize or insult autism people because of their autism; first, it’s just plain mean, second, it will not help their social development speed, finally, its part of their identity, respect it.

I am a autistic teenager, I posted this so people would stop calling me and my friends disabled autistics. It’s not okay. I am proud of my identity, including my autism, people should understand that me, along with most other autistic people I know, that all parts of identity should be respected, even autism.
Autistic person -“I have autism spectrum disorder.”
Friend- “no you don’t! You act a lot like everyone else, well, except when you inturupt a lot and get frustrated easily.”
Autistic kid- “yeah I do. I was diagnosed in kindergarten. There are lots of different symptoms to it, and those you just mentioned are mine.”
Friend- “well, I guess everybody’s working on something.”
by 🎵🎶🎵 June 19, 2018
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A mental condition that makes communication verbal or nonverbal much more difficult. It is also known as Autism Spectrum Disorder

If you like to make school shooter memes about autistic people, stop. It's like making fun of someone for breathing oxygen.

Autism is not a joke. If someone has autism, they aren't automatically a fucking psychopath.

I have an autistic friend, and she is one of the most funniest people I have ever met.

There are ways to treat Autism such as therapies, specialists and medications, but it is not curable.

You shouldn't try to bully an autist. It isn't funny. It will just make you look despicable.
"I have autism, so I have trouble communicating with others. Please respect that."
by omeganeko January 20, 2020
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A disorder that can affect development of motor skills and affects communication. It also affects the nervous system. Some symptoms include obsessive interests, repetitive behavior, speech delay, and poor eye contact.

It is NOT an insult.
Thisv was written by a 12 year old with autism. I researched the topic and checked errors.
by buzuduzdacat October 6, 2018
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Autism is neurodevlopment disorder it is a condition related to brain development where a person has a problem to socialize with others,causing problem in social interaction and communication and they have repetitive pattern of behavior.
Autism is not a disease its a disorder accept me as i am.
by cool pipi April 4, 2020
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A condition that Albert Einstein, Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and many more genius people have. Not an insult.
Autism isn't a fucking insult
by Your Gays July 19, 2020
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