When a female uses too much perfume or is just a bit too pungent.
Did you smell that shit?
Yeah, she brought the stank!
by xomblei October 19, 2007
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1.(adj) disagreeable in any way, shape, or form.
2.(pn) someone or something having the capacity of stank.
3.(v) the act of being disagreeable or in some way obnoxious; ghetto.
4.(n) the process or idea of being stank.
5.(adv) in a non-fortuitous fashion, not pleasantly.
6.(int) showing surprise, anger, empathy, happiness, or arousal.
7.(prep) to be low on a scale of comparison, not the best.
8.(conj) replacing any other conjunction, it introduces a dependent or independent clause that is derogatory or unfriendly in nature.
1. Ugh, that girl's shoes are so stank, they make her cankles stand out.
2. Stank here doesn't want to go to the movies, he prefers to stay at home and masturbate.
3. Davante was stankin' so bad yesterday. He was acting like his Chrysler 300 was a Phantom, shiet.
4. You need to calm down, your stank is cramping my buzz.
5. Stankly, President Bush was re-elected in 2004.
6. You won $15 in the Scratch-Off Lottery? Stank!
7. I didn't like that new show on FOX last night, it was really stank on the ratings too.
8. LaFonda has nice teeth stank her breath is as bad as her credit score (this example shows its usage as "but").
by Jairo Tolentino January 23, 2009
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The smell below the scrotum.
Stank, stank everywhere, let's all have a smell.
by drzimo December 14, 2009
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The quality of being extremely cool, awesome, and/or above average with the humorous connotation of being dirty.
That model's stank. Watch her walk: stank, stank, stank.
by stank hole marc January 31, 2011
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What hardcore, ride or die fans of Hoobastank call the band.
Tuesday night, just sitting at home rocking out to The Stank. Life doesn't get much better than this.
by Pony Danza April 22, 2022
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Adjective. Cranky, whiny, or in a bad mood. In the process of winding up for a tantrum.
"Everytime I take Sailor to the playground, she gets all stank when we have to leave."
by A069063 March 28, 2008
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A fad similar to planking, popular in recent years among college-age youth, whereby photographs are taken of couples engaged in "underwater smoking" with the signs stating the prohibition of such activity appearing in the background. The subjects in these photographs can be either clothed or unclothed. A planking position is assumed by one party who positions his/her face directly in the twatular area of the other party and performs or simulates cunnilingus on the other party who may be reverse planking or in some other creative position.
Unimpressed by Shawna's dare to perform a planking stunt, when it was his turn, Everett challenged her to participate in a stanking photo. Pictures of them performing this stunt ended up in the newspaper the next day heavily censored, of course; but from their positions, and the sign behind them reading "underwater smoking is prohibited" it was all too obvious that they were engaged in a public, naked stanking.
by W. Wolfe October 18, 2012
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