3 definitions by A069063

Adjective. Cranky, whiny, or in a bad mood. In the process of winding up for a tantrum.
"Everytime I take Sailor to the playground, she gets all stank when we have to leave."
by A069063 March 28, 2008
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The noise the bedsprings make while you're having sex.
I know what they were doing, I could hear the "ree-ree" going on in there.
by A069063 March 28, 2008
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Going out in search of a victim for your intended crime. Wandering or driving slowly through an area, such as a neighborhood, hoping to come across a good potential mark. Synonym of "creeping".
"He got pulled over when he was out trolling for somebody to rob."
by A069063 March 28, 2008
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