Someone with a twisted shark nose
Dude she has a total Snarf
by Oldmanbuckets April 12, 2020
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(n.) (1). Invalid humor syntax (2). a joke lacking tact that has missed a target audience
(3). a practical joke of any caliber (4). Sarcasm
(v.) (1). To insult ones' insult (2). To make fun or be made fun of (3). To engage in practical jokes.
(a.) (1). unfunny (2). Sarcastic
Snarfing, Snarfed, Snarf, Snarfer.
I missed your toilet seat,

like you miss your ex?

by TheProfessor420 October 27, 2012
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an interjection meaning damn, whoa, dud or shucks.
ex. 1: "you sure do got a pretty mouth"

"aw, snarf"

ex. 2: "Justine's in the other room being a drama queen again. i swear, you put one drop of liquor in that girl and she's crying and carrying on like someone actually gives a damn."

"oh snarf. that girl needs to be gagged and left somewhere."

ex. 3: "snarf! did you see that car just run over that hotdog stand?"
by Amy Christ April 29, 2005
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The sound your grandma (and other old people or people with deviated septums)make when they laugh. A combination of a snarl and laugh and snort. You know it when you hear it.
by Cathi Robertson June 15, 2008
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The act of snacking aggressively, especially on chip items.
Gal: *snarf* *snarf * *snarf*

Gal 2: Dood I know you're hungry but you've got to stop snarfing those hint o lime chips
by Staceysmom63 June 26, 2017
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An irregular or comical style of walking. Most common Snarf is a clumsy stumble
1. "My God, that guys snarfing his ass off"

2. "Wow, look at that guy snarf!"
by Suzzinks April 19, 2009
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Someone who makes a practice of smelling farts and actually enjoys it. Can usually be seen sniffing bicycle seats and soiled underwear.
I saw Wayner fart and pull the covers over his head in bed yesterday. That guy is such a snarf.
by timboooo December 25, 2007
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