A person who is gay and is in love with there teacher. They are attracted to many males and also are bullied a lot by his teachers.
Roberto is in love with his science teacher.
by NFxGus August 6, 2019
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Someone who is rude, kind of a jerk, but also sweet, funny, smart, and usually off limits by someone else. Can be particularly mean to some people, especially the friends of his future girlfriend, but still is considerably charming and chivalrous.
1) Roberto is such a jerk, but I can't help but like him!

2) Why do you like Roberto? He called your friend a bitch!
by mina_love August 12, 2009
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a notorious assasin. He was very prominent for the B.I.G gang throughout the 20’s and and early 30’s. some claim he has outed up to 1000 people. many fear him and but he was a total legend. the Italian stallion knows all.
Damn, roberto the stallion was insane
by blesser January 2, 2021
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Roberto is a great man with a whole lot of problems. A big dick and saggy balls. Roberto is a do’er with a nasty side you don’t want to see. Roberto is also a big softy at heart and is in love with a Tara. He enjoys long walks on the beach but also thinks doing a house break is romantic.
Someone broke into my house and took my micheal Bolton CD’s …. He must have been a Roberto
by Sonicishectic July 7, 2022
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a breed of stupid people that usually mates with other breeds of even idiotic people called “sleepy”
melvin: says something intellectual like she always do

roberto: *wacky memes*
by melvintheelephant May 2, 2019
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Roberto Nevilis made this world so damn painful for inventing homework that stupid teachers should know that nobody is gonna do that shit! Damn sleeping on rusty spikes seems way less painful!
by Kidswillbekids April 21, 2020
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The Asshole who invented homework if this man hadn’t been ever lived we wouldn’t have the stress kids have today so if your thinking of doing a research project on the invention of homework here is the definition of the intellectual who invented it
Roberto Nevilis is the intellectual who invented homework
by swagy chillswag July 1, 2020
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