Announcing you would straight up stuff a bitch.
Guy 1:"Shit man, look at that bitch over there."
Guy 2:"Dude, she could stand to lose a few."
Guy 1:"Fuck dude...I'd hit it."
by Troy "SlasherMcGee" August 29, 2005
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A reference to "I'd Tap That", but the person your hitting on isn't exactly a sexually intercoursed target.
-cute girl walks by-
me: I'd french that. <3
by Hoapili March 5, 2009
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A unnoticed complement given to a pretty woman as she passes.
*pretty girl walks by*
Man 1: I'd eat there
Man 2: Oh, I could eat there every night of the week
by jmich May 25, 2009
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In this day and age no-one pays for videos anymore. This saying is the updated version of "Id pay to see that", bringing it in line with the modern world.
Ben - Yo, did you hear that Summer and Rain made out last night at the party?

Josiah - Woah, I'd torrent that.

Jason - So we had a bike race last night and Mark wiped out big time

Joe - haha I'd torrent that!
by Jasandy Dunkirk July 16, 2009
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another way of saying i'd tap that. quite similar in definition. to be used to express great approval in the opposite sex's looks. when theyre incredibly hot.
guy 1: dang, she's hot.
guy 2: heck yeah. i'd rape that.
guy 1: word up
girl: ew! thats disgusting, you'd rape her??
by ghoundji lips February 3, 2007
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Similar to i'd tap that, but for lesbians or female bisexuals referring to a girl that they would want to have sex with.
"Oh man that girl is so hot, i'd lick that in a second"
by K.N.R November 26, 2007
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I would have sex with ______
(usually used by people in the DMV)
"Damn, look at Moniquisha Delonquine!"

"Cuh, i'd hit that"
by edbthebomb February 16, 2012
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