name giving to a girl who cant keep a promise, is a slut, whore, dyke, but really pretty. She usually is a cock teaser.
Nicole= Hooter
by Andyanopolis March 9, 2009
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What you say instead of "shotgun" in order to call the front passenger seat.
(Badonk is the back of the car)
Hooters! That means you get the badonk bud.
by Blaine March 10, 2004
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aka shanghei or shungheif
by ranova September 10, 2003
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An oft-abused nose, esp. when used to insufflate controlled substances.
I shot so much drone up my hooter last night that I can barely breathe.
I shot so much drone up my hooter this year that the cartilage has disintegrated.
Time for my hooter to snort another line of drone.
by AJAr March 22, 2014
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Synonym for Marijuana -- popular in the U.S. Midwest in the 1960s and '70s.
"I scored some righteous hooter in Ann Arbor last week."
by TooCoolToRule October 20, 2014
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A half-way house for strippers. A business chain that allows females to promote their bodies for tips based upon tits, but clothed.

Hooters Restaurant is a safe haven for strippers who found religion, but want to remain in the 'tips for tits' business. Also, allows females to experiment if their sweater monkeys are marketable to go clothed free.
There goes single mom Helen to work at Hooters Restaurant to support her three children. She found religion and quit dancing naked. She now wears a belly shirt, shorts and carries chicken wings and beer in her cleavage for tips.
by mikeverdill August 18, 2009
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Basically, a nipple.
As for the origin of it, in the anime called "No Game No Life", Sora, the main character, played a game of word chain, and he said "chikubi", which is "nipple" in Japanese, so the translators had to come up with a word that links "beach" and "bikini", and that's what they created.
At the bar:
- Damn, look at dem hooter nubs over there
- I know, mate, just leave it to me, and we'll have some threesome in no time
by InfiniteNarwhal December 27, 2018
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