1. n. The hard (but softer than bone) stuff in your body that holds it together. Your nose and ears are made of cartilage, as well as Sharks skeletons and that crappy hard stuff in your meat.
"Did you see that episode of Ultimate Fighter? The guy broke the cartilage in his nose right in half!"
by Thomual October 10, 2005
1. n. The hard (but softer than bone) stuff in your body that holds it together. Your nose and ears are made of cartilage, as well as Sharks skeletons and that crappy hard stuff in your meat.
"Did you see that episode of Ultimate Fighter? The guy broke the cartilage in his nose right in half!"
by Thomual October 21, 2005
Another term for boner. Since you don’t a bone in your penis you have cartilage so their for its a cartilager
by Jasonnotfarc April 6, 2018
John: Yo, does that girl have a cartilage ring and a belly ring?
Jason: Ya- she is hot
John- Well you better go ask her out
Jason: Ya- she is hot
John- Well you better go ask her out
by theman9998 January 18, 2010
by The Mortimaster August 13, 2017
by Colin, Alec, and Jon July 14, 2005
Did you see that girl's cartilage piercing? She must be a hoe.
Caitlyn has her cartilage pierced. She's such a hoe.
Caitlyn has her cartilage pierced. She's such a hoe.
by Elite Squad25 July 27, 2014