vaporized or struck from some natural or artificial force disappearing from visible sight changed to new elemental form.
Death and evil gets phased out by god disintegrated with lasers, phasers, and photon weapons originated from our sun and stars.
by sketchmaster November 4, 2007
Masterpiece release of new wave/goth rock band The Cure. Also a song on said album.
One of the very best albums of all time.
One of the very best albums of all time.
by a fire inside January 19, 2005
1. Decay
2. When the nucleus of an atom transform into a less massive substance because of radiation or discharging particles
3. Disorganization of mental process
4. The Cure's album
2. When the nucleus of an atom transform into a less massive substance because of radiation or discharging particles
3. Disorganization of mental process
4. The Cure's album
Guy #1: "I think I'm disintegrating"
Guy #2: "You listen to Disitegration too much"
Guy #1: "Shut up"
Guy #2: "You listen to Disitegration too much"
Guy #1: "Shut up"
by Francisca Sondjaja February 28, 2005
by penisparker May 5, 2018
by mastin February 25, 2006
by eyjentjim February 28, 2017