Davis is one of those names that is somewhat unqiue. Most people with the name are very dramatic and self centered, but they can also be kind and loving. Davis is a very manipulative person so you better beware of the genereousity and charming smiles.
“Omg. I can’t believe he would treat me so kindly and then completely backstab me. He is such a Davis!”
by Thatfriendxoxo February 18, 2019
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A pussy who crys when you steal his girl
You see michael? He fucked up a davis!
by michaeltookshanza June 8, 2018
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A local Chinese man who pretends not to be Chinese but he definitely is because whereever he says he's from is not a real country.
Often homosexual.
"I'm from Scotland. Where are you from Davis?"
"Definitely not China."
"Sure you aren't."
by Deung Chow-Ping March 2, 2007
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Gay, likes other men.
Upon hearing the term "time to suck the days dick" he asks "who and where is this day fellow"?

If you took Ron Jeremy, Rush Limbaugh, Hunter Moore and that ugly jew kirill, threw them all in a room with nothing but a 55 gallon drum of lube and handfuls of molly; Davis would still be gayer than the out come of that scenario
Mike:God that dudes a faggot.

Jerry: yea bro, total davis forsure.
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Slang for a Chinese person and is often confused for Korean.

Comes from UC Davis which has a large Chinese population. Used in lieu of Berkeley which has a larger Chinese population.
"Wow! This noodle place is filled with Davis!"
by Deung Chow-Ping March 1, 2007
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An absolute crazy ass motherfucker...likes to get super drunk to the point where he is unable to comprehend simple human interactions. He likes to hoe around with girls but cannot make a commitment. He does make a great friend though. May be the heaviest weight drinker I have ever seen. Drives off of 20 shots like it is nothing. Typical frat boy. Chiefs that pen. Gives off Project X type of vibes. Will slap your girls ass like there is no tomorrow.
Look at how crazy that kid is, such a davis.
by yungshakespeare November 14, 2019
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